Show That Current Continuity is Embedded Within Maxwell s Equations
In this chapter we introduce Maxwell's equations in the time and frequency domains, examine the representation of fields by the Lorenz and Debye potentials, and look at the boundary conditions that fields need to satisfy across material interfaces and at infinity. The Lorenz and Coulomb gauge conditions are introduced and it is shown that the Coulomb gauge condition also leads to retarded fields despite the intermediate quantities becoming non-causal. A basic existence theorem for fields related to Maxwell's equations is discussed. Several theorems involving radiation conditions and multipole expansion of fields by spherical harmonics are presented. The pertinent theorems we discuss in this chapter with regards to the latter are the Wilcox theorems, the Whittaker theorem, the theorem of Bouwkamp and Casimir, and spherical harmonics expansion theorems. All of these theorems have a bearing on the field representations carried out external to the sphere enclosing all sources.
In this chapter we introduce Maxwell's equations in the time and frequency domains, examine the representation of fields by the Lorenz and Debye potentials, and look at the boundary conditions that fields need to satisfy across material interfaces and at infinity. The Lorenz and Coulomb gauge conditions are introduced and it is shown that the Coulomb gauge condition also leads to retarded fields despite the intermediate quantities becoming non-causal. A basic existence theorem for fields related to Maxwell's equations is discussed. Several theorems involving radiation conditions and multipole expansion of fields by spherical harmonics are presented. The pertinent theorems we discuss in this chapter with regards to the latter are the Wilcox theorems, the Whittaker theorem, the theorem of Bouwkamp and Casimir, and spherical harmonics expansion theorems. All of these theorems have a bearing on the field representations carried out external to the sphere enclosing all sources.
Maxwell's equations for linear and simple media ( ,
, and
and μ are scalars independent of the field 1 ) can be written as
where ( ) are the real-valued, time-instantaneous electric (V m−1) and magnetic (A m−1) field strengths,
are the real-valued, time-instantaneous electric flux (C m−2) and magnetic flux (Wb m−2) densities,
are the permittivity (F m−1) and permeability (H m−1) of the medium,
are the real-valued, time-instantaneous electric (A m−2) and magnetic (V m−2) volume current densities, and
are the real-valued, time-instantaneous electric (C m−3) and magnetic (V sm−3) volume charge densities, respectively. The electric current density is assumed to comprise both the conduction current density and the source current density. The equations of continuity relate the current and charge densities:
and are implied by Maxwell's equations. For field computations it is very advantageous to introduce intermediate field quantities called the scalar and vector potentials. The four relevant quantities are the electric and magnetic scalar potentials (V) and
(A), respectively, and the electric and magnetic vector potentials
(V m−1) and
(Wb m−1), respectively. For example, in the absence of magnetic current density, the fields can be related to the magnetic vector potential
and the scalar electric potential
In a similar fashion the fields in the absence of electric currents may be related to the electric vector potential and magnetic scalar potential
1.1.1. The Lorenz gauge, Coulomb gauge, and causality
We explore equation (1.4) further in the determination of fields from potentials. Writing and
, where
(C m−2) and
(A m−1) represent electric and magnetic polarization vectors, respectively, it is easy to see from Maxwell's equations that the potentials satisfy the equations
where is the speed of the wave in a vacuum. Additional constraints must be placed on the potentials
through any one of the gauge conditions to decouple and determine them uniquely.
In the Lorenz gauge
and the potentials satisfy the non-homogeneous wave equations
where and
is the d'Alembertian operator. The sources for the potentials are impressed and the polarization charges and currents, and the d'Alembertian operator carries the signal speed c at which the source fluctuations are transmitted. Since the solution of a wave equation is causal 2 , the potentials
(as will be shown in example below) are both retarded functions 3 of the sources, which, in turn, generate retarded electric and magnetic fields. Under the Lorenz gauge condition, the complete electromagnetic field in any region, including the source region, is completely determined in terms of three scalar functions out of the four functions
In the Coulomb gauge
and the potentials satisfy
The scalar potential satisfies Poisson's equation, wherein it responds instantaneously to the charge density fluctuations at any distance as evidenced by the presence of the purely spatial Laplacian operator in equation (1.12). The presence of the time-instantaneous term proportional to on the right-hand side (rhs) of equation (1.13) raises the question of whether the magnetic vector potential is also non-causal. If that were true then the entire electromagnetic field would be non-causal. If the total current density (impressed plus polarized) is decomposed 4 into longitudinal and solenoidal parts as
such that and
, then the equation of continuity together with equation (1.12) yields
where the latter is due to the definition of and the identity
. It is seen that both the divergence and the curl of the quantity within parenthesis is zero, suggesting that the quantity is a constant vector. Since the only constant function that vanishes at infinity is the constant function zero we have
which reduces equation (1.13) to the non-homogeneous wave equation
Thus the Coulomb gauge once again results in a retarded solution for the quantities in terms of the solenoidal current
and polarization current
. Since the electric field is proportional to the gradient of
, but not
itself, we will demonstrate in the example below that the electric field also remains retarded relative to the sources.
Example in the Coulomb gauge.
Show that the electric field generated under the Coulomb gauge in an unbounded medium remains causal and that it coincides with the field produced under the Lorenz gauge [2].
The starting point is the expression for the causal Green's function, G a, in spacetime for the d'Alembert's equation
It is easy to derive this expression by solving the d'Alembert differential equation either in the spacetime [3, p 838] or in wavenumber-time [4, p 267] domains. For example, the steps in the spacetime approach are as follows:
Use the simpler representation
from equation (18.29) for the spatial delta function. Note that
and use spherical coordinates
to reduce the d'Alembert equation to
. This is now a simple 1D wave equation in spacetime
Employ the change of variables
and the corresponding Jacobian relation
Using equation (18.118), the effect of distribution
(whose mapping into the
domain is simply denoted by
in the ensuing material) on a testing function
However, since the singularity of the distribution is all concentrated at the origin
which implies that the distribution
is transformed as
The operator in equation (1.19) is transformed to
resulting in the equation
Finally, integrating this equation and retaining only the non-zero terms yields the desired Green's function
is the unit step function.
Clearly, in the case of d'Alembert's equation, an impulse excited at the point at epoch
is only felt at a later time
at an
that is located at a distance R from
. The solution is thus causal and is a retarded function. By linearity the solution of equation (1.17) with an arbitrary rhs leads to the solution
where the prime on the curl indicates that it is w.r.t. the primed coordinates and the subscript 'c' on qualifies that the expression is for the Coulomb gauge. It is seen that vector potential remains causal under the Coulomb gauge condition.
When specialized to , the expression for Green's function in equation (1.18) also gives the Green's function, G ℓ, in spacetime for the Laplace equation involved in equation (1.12):
In this case an impulse excited at is felt instantly at any
no matter how far its distance from
is. By linearity this leads to the non-causal solution for the scalar potential in equation (1.12):
where the subscript 'c' on once again qualifies that the expression is for the Coulomb gauge. For ease we use the notation
such that the quantity within the square brackets is evaluated at a retarded time
. According to this notation,
. Note also that the time derivatives
. Under this notation, equation (1.21) may be rewritten as
where the definition of given in equation (1.14) and the expression for
given in equation (1.16) were used in obtaining the rhs above. The time derivative of this expression is
Since the electric field is equal to
from equation (1.4), let us explore the behavior of the gradient of the scalar potential term. By adding a term
to the left-hand side (lhs) of equation (1.12) and then taking its negative gradient we obtain the non-homogeneous d'Alembert's equation,
for . Solving this formally using the Green's function (1.18) leads to the integral equation for the unknown
The last integrals on the rhs of equations (1.25) and (1.27) are equal and opposite and will cancel with each other when added. Hence the expression for electric field under Coulomb gauge is
clearly indicating that the electric field is a retarded function of the sources.
To show that this is identical to the electric field derived under the Lorenz gauge condition, note that the first integral on the rhs of equation (1.28) is identical to what would be obtained from the vector potential equation (1.10). The explicit solution for the vector potential equation (1.10) under the Lorenz gauge condition is
where the subscript 'l' is a qualifier for the Lorenz gauge. The solution of the scalar potential under the Lorenz gauge condition in equation (1.9) is
with a gradient
assuming that the charge density and electric polarization have finite support to make the surface integral at infinity vanish. The conversion from the volume to surface integral of the last integral on the rhs above is due to the gradient theorem (B.7). The final expression in equation (1.30) is identical to the last integral on the rhs in equation (1.28), both of which are causal in nature. Clearly, the electromagnetic fields derived under the Coulomb gauge coincide with those obtained under the Lorenz gauge despite the fact that the scalar potential under the former fails to be causal. Thus use of the Coulomb gauge does not violate finite speed of signal propagation for the electromagnetic fields. ■■
1.1.2. Existence theorem for fields
At this point it is appropriate to state without proof an existence theorem for fields from given charge conservation.
Theorem 1.1.1.Existence theorem for fields [5].
Given localized sources and
which satisfy the equation of continuity
there exist retarded fields and
defined by
that satisfy the field equations
where the constants and c (not necessarily the speed of light) are related by
, and the square brackets
indicate that the quantity enclosed is to be evaluated at retarded time
The proof is straightforward but lengthy and the reader is referred to [5] for details. Identifying with electric current density, q e with electric charge density, c with the speed of light in vacuum,
with electric field,
with magnetic flux density, γ with 1, α with
, β with
, we arrive at Maxwell's equations in free-space given the equation of continuity. In other words, Maxwell's equations can be obtained by postulating charge conservation at the outset. Thus the equation of continuity assumes a fundamental status as a precursor to Maxwell's equations, rather than as an induced result from Maxwell's equations.
Assuming an convention in the time variable t, where ω is the radian frequency, Maxwell's equations for simple media can be written as
where ( ) are the complex-valued, phasor electric, and magnetic field strengths,
are the complex-valued, phasor electric, and magnetic flux densities,
are the permittivity and permeability of the medium, respectively,
are the complex-valued, phasor electric, and magnetic current densities,
are the complex-valued, phasor electric, and magnetic charge densities and
. The relation between a phasor field quantity and the original time-dependent field quantity, illustrated below for the electric field, is
where stands for 'real part of'.
The media constants can change from point to point in space in general. To accommodate lossy media, the permittivity is assumed to be complex of the form with
. Similarly, the permeability can be made complex by assuming
. For simple media, Maxwell's equations also imply the equations of continuity:
By taking of a Maxwell curl equation in (1.36) or (1.37) and substituting from the other, we obtain the non-homogeneous, vector Helmholtz equations
satisfied by the electric and magnetic fields, where is the wavenumber at the frequency ω in the medium. By observing the rhs of equations (1.40) and (1.41) it is clear that
generate the same electric field in the sense that in an expression relating
one can replace
and obtain the expression for the electric field generated by the magnetic current
. Hence
are equivalent. Likewise the current densities
are equivalent. For instance, an azimuthal electric current density of the form
in cylindrical coordinates is equivalent to a vertical magnetic current density
As with time-domain equations, magnetic vector potential and electric vector potential
(the so-called Lorenz potentials) are introduced such that
. The general relationship between the field quantities and the Lorenz potentials are
There is complete duality between the electric and magnetic quantities, which will be elaborated upon in the duality principle (see section 6.1.1).
In an infinite homogeneous medium carrying electric and magnetic currents , the magnetic vector potential
is generally associated with the electric current density and the electric vector potential
is associated with the magnetic current density. Consequently, the complete field can be expressed in terms of three scalar functions (the three components of
or the three components of
) when only one of these two sources is present. However, the freedom provided by a particular choice of gauge can potentially reduce the required scalar functions to two. For instance, under Coulomb gauge
and one component of
can be determined from the other two. Additional gauge conditions under which the complete electromagnetic field can be expressed in terms of only two scalar functions is discussed in section 3.1.2. Under the Lorenz gauge condition
, and the vector potential satisfies
, where
are time-harmonic electric and magnetic scalar potentials. One consequently obtains
These expressions are valid at all points in space including the source region. On adapting the solution (1.18) for each component of in the time-harmonic case it is easy to see that the solution of the vector Helmholtz equation
with the dipole source, where the unit vector is an arbitrary constant vector representing the dipole orientation and the quantity p is the dipole moment (units (A m)), is
where is the distance between the source and field points. Using equation (1.29), an expression for
for an arbitrary electric current distribution radiating in a homogeneous medium with parameters
can be written as
Thus causality in the time-domain with a delay is manifested in the frequency domain by the appearance of the phase lag factor
In the far-zone where the approximations in the phase term and
in the denominator of the integrand hold, the expression for the vector potential reduces to
where is the 3D vector Fourier transform of the current distribution as defined in equation (1.149). Thus the vector potential in the far-zone is proportional to the Fourier transform of the current distribution and the uncertainty relations associated with Fourier transforms hold in the space and wavenumber domains. For the θ and ϕ components of the electric field in the far-zone, only the first term on the rhs of equation (1.44) remains. The dominant electric field components in the far-zone are then
Thus the transverse components of on the circle
are completely determined by the far-zone electric field components and vice versa.
Example of current distribution by the Helmholtz theorem.
In this example we apply the Helmholtz theorem (see theorem B.2.6) and show how to decompose a compact-support current density into a solenoidal part and an irrotational part. We do this for electric current density by assuming that there are no magnetic sources (i.e. the magnetic current and charge densities are both zero, ). The goal is to see how the decomposition of current by the Helmholtz theorem translates to the properties of the electromagnetic field [6]. Furthermore, as already seen in section 1.1.1, the proof that the Coulomb gauge gives rise to retarded fields relies on this decomposition.
By the Helmholtz theorem, the electric current density can be expressed as
where is the longitudinal part and
is the transverse part. Here
consists of both the impressed currents
(charge density
) and polarization currents
being electric polarization, so that the divergence equation becomes
by virtue of the equation of continuity. Hence it is possible to express the electric field in a material medium as
where is the magnetic vector potential and
is the magnetic flux density. Since
, the Coulomb gauge condition
is implied in this decomposition. The longitudinal current generates an electric field,
, whose curl vanishes, thereby resembling an electrostatic field.
Expressing , where
is the magnetization vector, and using Maxwell's equation
we obtain
Thus the transverse current together with the magnetization vector generates the vector potential and, consequently, the magnetic field. Clearly, the magnetic vector potential still satisfies the Helmholtz equation under the Coulomb gauge condition and, thereby, generates a retarded solution as also shown in section 1.1.1. The magnetic vector potential under the Coulomb gauge condition contributes to the transverse electric field and is responsible for the radiated field. If the transverse current is zero, both
and the radiated field vanish. ■■
1.2.1. Classification of media
It is most convenient to classify media in the frequency domain because the relations involving them turn out to be algebraic rather than of convolutional type. The most general linear medium is described in terms of four matrices or dyadics, , and
. They relate the flux densities to the field quantities [7]
Whether one regards them as matrices or dyadics, note that the medium parameters have to be placed anterior to the field variables. The most general linear medium above is termed bianisotropic or magnetoelectric. If the medium parameters are all scalars, then the medium is called bi-isotropic. Special cases of bi-isotropic media are the isotropic chiral medium with and the Tellegen medium
. A chiral medium can be produced by inserting suitable base material particles with specific handedness, i.e. particles whose mirror image cannot be brought into coincidence with the original particles; for example, helical particles (for a detailed discussion see [8, 9]). A Tellegen medium can be produced by combining permanent electric and magnetic dipoles in similar parallel pairs and making a mixture with such particles. If
are scalars, then the medium is simply isotropic. If the medium dyadics are functions of frequency, the medium is said to be time-dispersive or simply dispersive.
For a non-dispersive Tellegen medium, writing ,
, and
, where c is the speed of light in a vacuum, it can be shown that with the modified Lorenz condition
the Lorenz potentials satisfy the decoupled d'Alembertian equations
in the presence of electric sources . The plasmonic medium and Drude model
Metals behave as good conductors at radio frequencies, but have other interesting properties at optical frequencies in that the real part of permittivity turns negative at sufficiently high frequencies. A simple approach to describe the effect of the free electrons in a metal is to approximate the metal as a homogeneous domain with a complex dielectric permittivity described by the Drude model [10]. The equation of motion of a bound electron under the action of an applied electromagnetic field is
where is the local electric field intensity that acts on the electron of charge q e and effective mass m, γ is the damping constant, and
is the undamped resonance frequency of the transverse vibrational mode of the ionic lattice structure. The Drude model is derived based on setting the oscillating force term
to zero for time-harmonic excitation:
where is known as the plasma frequency, N is the number of free electrons per unit volume, and
is the relative permittivity at infinite frequency. Commonly used values are
rad s−1, and
s−1. Figure 1.1 shows a plot of the real and imaginary parts of the complex relative permittivity of the metal as a function of free-space wavelength
. Note that the real part
becomes negative for wavelengths above 300 nm. The upper horizontal axis is the normalized wavelength
, where
is the wavelength corresponding to the plasma frequency.
Figure 1.1. Complex permittivity of a typical metal at optical wavelengths.
Download figure:
Standard image High-resolution image1.2.2. Boundary conditions
Maxwell's equations must be supplemented by boundary conditions that must be satisfied by the electric and magnetic fields at material interfaces or at infinity for open domains. Material interface conditions
If ( and (
are the material parameters on two sides of an interface, and
is a unit normal from medium 1 to medium 2, figure 1.2, the interface conditions are 5 :
where the subscripts '1' and '2' denote the interface fields in regions 1 and 2, respectively, and the subscript 's' on the current and charge densities denotes surface values. The boundary condition (1.65) follows from applying the Gauss divergence theorem to the equation of continuity (1.31). If medium 1 is a perfect electric/magnetic conductor (PEC/PMC), then the boundary conditions reduce to
Figure 1.2. Material boundary conditions at an interface.
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Standard image High-resolution imageAnother useful interface boundary condition is an impedance boundary condition in which the tangential electric and magnetic fields in medium 2 are related through a surface impedance Z s (complex-valued):
Definition 1.2.1. Scalar wave function. A complex-valued scalar function u is called a scalar wave function for a domain if it is defined and of class C 2 in
and satisfies the scalar homogeneous Helmholtz equation
at every point in
Definition 1.2.2. Vector wave function. A complex-valued vector function is called a vector wave function for a domain
if it is defined and of class C 2 in
and satisfies the vector homogeneous Helmholtz equation
The electric and magnetic fields and
in source-free regions in the frequency domain given by equations (1.40) and (1.41) are examples of vector wave functions. Radiation, absorbing boundary conditions, and related theorems
Radiation conditions are needed to yield a unique solution to Maxwell's equations when finite extent sources radiate in an infinite medium. Radiation conditions to time-harmonic waves are what causality conditions are for time-instantaneous waves. If r denotes the radial distance from a point within the sources and if is the intrinsic impedance of the infinite medium, Silver–Müller radiation conditions state that 6 for
where is the unit vector in the radial direction.
For a scalar function ψ satisfying the Helmholtz equation, the radiation conditions are referred to as the Sommerfeld's radiation conditions:
If ψ satisfies the non-homogeneous scalar Helmholtz equation
with the source function , then the only solution that satisfies the Sommerfeld's radiation condition is
where is the distance between the observation and source points. Wilcox [12] has shown that the radiation condition can be expressed in a variety of equivalent statements, which we quote here without proof. For the scalar case the relevant theorem is the following.
Theorem 1.2.1.Wilcox theorem (equivalent forms of radiation condition) [12].
Let satisfy the Helmholtz equation in an exterior domain
. Let
denote a sphere with a center at
and radius r. Let
be the least radius r for which
contains the sources and other material boundaries in the problem. Then the following radiation conditions (Sommerfeld radiation conditions) are equivalent for ψ; i.e. each implies all others:
RC 1:
for all p and
RC 2:
for all p.
RC 3:
for all p.
RC 4:
for all p, uniformly in
RC 5:
for a single center 0.
Definition 1.2.3. Scalar radiation function. Let be an exterior domain. A scalar function u in the domain
is called a scalar radiation function if it is a scalar wave function for
and, in addition, satisfies the Sommerfeld radiation condition.
Theorem 1.2.2.Whittaker theorem [13, 14].
Every scalar radiation function can be represented in a plane wave expansion of the form
where the unit vector , with
, and
is the spectrum of the representation.
For a proof see [13]. Equation (1.73) may also be regarded as a Fourier transform relation between the space function and its spectrum
. The Fourier transform is performed on a unit sphere in the wavenumber domain. For the special case of a spherical harmonic
, where
is the spherical Bessel function of order n and argument kr, and
is the surface spherical harmonic as defined in equation (1.103), we have in view of identity (D.127) that
so that
Thus the Fourier transform of a spherical harmonic yields another surface spherical harmonic in the space domain whose strength is governed by the spherical Bessel function along the radial direction.
Example components of EM fields as scalar radiating functions.
Determine the equations satisfied by and
in a homogeneous medium containing electric sources only, where
, r being the radial coordinate in a spherical coordinate system and
being the unit vector along r. Obtain a solution for
in terms of the given current density
Expressing the various quantities in rectangular coordinates, it is straightforward to see that for an arbitrary vector belonging to class C 2,
Applying the identity (1.75) to the divergenceless vector and noting that
from equation (1.40), we arrive at the non-homogeneous, scalar Helmholtz equation
for the radial component of the electric field. Using equation (1.72), the solution of this equation that satisfies the Sommerfeld's radiation condition is
Similarly, on applying the identity (1.75) to the divergenceless vector and noting that
from equation (1.41), we obtain the non-homogeneous Helmholtz equation
for the radial component of the magnetic field, whose only solution satisfying the Sommerfeld's radiation condition is
Several remarks are in order at this point.
Equations (1.77) and (1.79) are valid everywhere in space including the source region.
If all sources are contained within a sphere of radius r 0 such that the current density and all its derivatives vanish outside the sphere, then it is clear from equations (1.76), (1.77), (1.78), and (1.79) that for
the radial components
are scalar radiation functions. Since the spherical harmonics of the type
are also scalar radiation functions, it should be possible to expand the radial fields
in terms of these harmonics for
The current density
could represent either impressed sources or equivalent sources arising from material scatterers embedded inside S.
Discontinuous currents can be accommodated in the current formulation by treating the integrands in equations (1.77) and (1.79) in the sense of distributions. In such a case additional terms will arise in equations (1.77) and (1.79) that are consistent with distribution theory as outlined in section 18.1 (see theorem 18.1.4).
For the vector case the Wilcox theorem for radiation conditions may be stated as follows.
Theorem 1.2.3.Wilcox theorem (equivalent forms of Silver–Müller radiation condition) [12].
Let satisfy the vector Helmholtz equation
in an exterior domain (namely
is a vector wave function in
). Let
denote a sphere with a center at
and radius r. Let
be the least radius r for which
contains the sources and other material boundaries in the problem. Then the following radiation conditions are equivalent; i.e. for A , each implies all others:
RC 1:
for all p and
RC 2:
for all p.
RC 3:
for a single center 0.
Based on the radiation condition a vector radiation function is defined as follows.
Definition 1.2.4. Vector radiation function. Let be an exterior domain. A vector field
is a vector radiation function for
provided it is vector wave function for
and satisfies the Silver–Müller radiation condition
Example of vector radiation functions.
Show that the vector function defined by
, where u is a scalar radiation function and
, with r being the radial coordinate in the spherical coordinate system, is a vector radiation function.
Using the definition of the curl operator in spherical coordinates we have
where D is the Beltrami operator given in equation (1.94). Therefore
since u is a scalar radiation function. Furthermore,
since u satisfies Sommerfeld's radiation condition. Therefore is a vector radiation function. Similarly, the associated function
is also a vector radiation function. ■■
Theorem 1.2.4Wilcox representation theorem [15].
Let be a vector radiation function for an exterior domain
bounded by a regular surface S (namely comprised of a finite number of smooth sections) and let
be of class C 2 in the closure of
. Then
where ,
is the gradient operator with respect to the point
, and
is a unit outward normal on S.
The field representation here is a special case of the Stratton–Chu integral representation (see equations (10.12) and (10.13)) in a source-free region, although Wilcox proves the theorem without resorting to the stronger assumption of . A direct consequence of the representation theorem is the expansion theorem.
Theorem 1.2.5.Expansion theorem [15].
Let be a vector radiation function for a region
are spherical coordinates. Then
has an expansion
which is valid for and which converges absolutely and uniformly in the parameters
in any region
. The series can be differentiated term by term with respect to r,
, and ϕ any number of times and the resulting series all converge absolutely and uniformly.
Corollary 1 to expansion theorem.
Every vector radiation function has the asymptotic form
where the vector field , called the radiation pattern of
, is tangential to the sphere
constant, i.e.
Corollary 2 to the expansion theorem.
The vector coefficients ,
of the expansion theorem are completely determined by the radiation pattern ( 1.88 ) through the recursion formulas
is the Beltrami operator for the sphere, while D θ and D ϕ are first linear operators (taking vector fields into scalar functions) defined by
Example absorbing boundary conditions.
As an example of the utility of the Wilcox expansion theorem, consider the development of absorbing boundary conditions on a sphere S r of radius r circumscribing a scatterer. Such boundary conditions are useful in terminating computational domains of numerical algorithms and the scalar case is discussed in detail in [16]. We discuss here the vector case [17]. Let represent the unit outward normal on S r . Exterior to S r the scattered electromagnetic fields satisfy the vector Helmholtz equation. Let
denote a field vector, which could be the scattered electric field, or the scattered magnetic field, or the scattered vector potential, that takes the form given in equation (1.88) exterior to S r . Then
since . If the Silver–Müller type boundary condition
is employed on S r , then the residual error as seen from equation (1.97) will be of order
. Judging from the form of equation (1.88) a better absorbing boundary condition is the one that removes the first term from the series expression. This results in the absorbing boundary condition
on S r . From equation (1.97) this will result in a lower residual error 7 of order
. In fact a whole hierarchy of absorbing boundary conditions B abcℓ may be constructed on S r using the Wilcox expansion, which will yield successively lower residual errors of order
. ■■
In many applications it is desirable to express the full vector fields in terms of a minimal set of scalar components. For example, in formulations involving Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates, the complete electromagnetic field in a source-free region can be expressed in terms of the z-components of the magnetic and electric vector potentials [18]. The fields produced separately by these z-components of potentials are labeled as transverse magnetic to z (TM z ) and transverse electric to z (TE z ), respectively, in the literature. In example, it was shown that the radial components of electric and magnetic fields are scalar radiation functions in an unbounded medium. These scalar functions are determined everywhere, including the source region, by the specification of electric current density. This raises the question whether the radial components of electric and magnetic fields are sufficient to describe the complete electromagnetic field in an unbounded medium. The answer to this is affirmative when one recognizes that the radial components of fields are related to the Debye potentials, as has been shown in [19]. The field generated separately by the radial component of the electric or magnetic field is labeled as transverse magnetic to r (TM r ) or transverse electric to r (TE r ), respectively. The methodology of TM r and TE r proves to be extremely useful in solving various problems in 3D in unbounded media. The radial components are expanded in terms of spherical harmonics and the coefficients of expansion are known as multipole strengths. The multipole strengths are completely determined by the current density specified in 3D space. In an alternative formulation involving the wavenumber space, the multipole strengths are determined by the transverse components of the spectral components of the current density. Important theorems in this regard are the theorem of Bouwkamp and Casimir [19] and the theorem of Devaney and Wolf [20].
1.3.1. Multipole expansion, Debye potentials, and related theorems
We begin by relating the radial components of fields to current density via spherical harmonics.
Example expansion of radial electromagnetic fields.
Using the spherical harmonic expansion of the free-space Green's function, determine the multipole expansions of radial electromagnetic fields in a homogeneous medium outside the sphere containing all electric currents. (See also [19].)
Equations (1.77) and (1.79) of example give the expressions for the radial electromagnetic fields in terms of the given electric current density . Let all electric currents be contained within a sphere S of radius r 0 so that
and all its derivatives vanish on S. We now employ the representation (15.21) for the free-space Green's function in the expression (1.77) for a radial electric field to obtain for
Applying the vector Green's second identity (B.15)
the radial electric field could also be expressed for as
In a like manner, starting from equation (1.79) and the vector Green's first identity (B.14)
it is easy to show that the radial magnetic field for can be expressed as
We now define the complex-valued surface spherical harmonic of order m and degree n as
which implies on using equation (D.92) that
where the overhead bar denotes complex conjugation. Using equation (D.116) we can then deduce the orthogonality relationship
Defining multipole strengths in terms of these surface harmonics as
the radial fields in equations (1.99) and (1.102) can then be re-expressed as
The last form (1.108) for follows from the vector Green's first identity (B.14). Equations (1.111) and (1.112) provide a discrete representation of the radial electromagnetic fields outside S in terms of outgoing spherical harmonics whose strengths,
are governed by the currents flowing within the volume V. These currents could be a combination of impressed sources and induced sources on scattering objects residing in V. The radial fields
are both scalar radiation functions outside S. Since the surface spherical harmonics are complete for functions of class C 2 (see theorem 1.3.2), and the Hankel functions are bounded for arguments different from zero, the above series converge uniformly and absolutely outside S and the terms can be differentiated any number of times.
Note that for , we obtain
where is the spherical Ricatti–Bessel function (see subsection C.3.8).
If the current density is all radial so that , then we obtain from equations (1.106) and (1.109) that
For a radial electric dipole of moment and located at
, for instance,
. In that case
and the radial components of fields are
Obviously, the n = 0 terms will not influence the radial fields and may be dropped. As a check, for a radial dipole located at the origin and oriented along the z-axis, b = 0 and azimuthal symmetry implies m = 0. We then obtain upon using (i) , (ii)
, (iii) the limit
and (iv)
for the radial component of an electric field of a z-directed infinitesimal electric dipole located at the origin.
For a radial magnetic dipole of moment located at
, dual radial fields are generated, namely
Theorem 1.3.1.Bouwkamp and Casimir theorem [19].
Let S be a sphere containing all sources in a homogeneous medium characterized by . The time-harmonic electromagnetic field at the frequency ω outside S is identically zero if the radial components of the electromagnetic field there are zero.
Proof.Let and
outside S. We need to show that
. From source-free Maxwell's curl equations we have
Introduce a change of variable such that , which implies that
. Define
. Then equations (1.124)–(1.126) can be rewritten as
Upon writing for waves outgoing in the exterior of S and substituting into equations (1.128)–(1.129), we obtain
. Letting
and substituting into equation (1.127) yields
which is the complex form of Cauchy–Riemann equations (A.4) in the complex variable of the function
. The function w 0 must be analytic in the whole complex plane of
it is bounded and periodic in ϕ with a period 2π. The fields are related to
. Finiteness of the fields at
requires that
. By Liouville's theorem [21, p 85], every bounded entire function such as
must be a constant. Since the constant has to vanish at infinity along the imaginary axis, it must be identically zero. Hence
and we arrive at the proof that
outside S if
are zero there.
We can draw the following conclusions from this theorem:
The theorem indicates that it is not possible to have a purely spherical TEM wave (
) outside the circumscribing sphere of any radiator. In particular, it is not possible to design an antenna that generates zero radial fields. The quest to design antennas with minimal radial components forms the subject of electrically small, wideband antennas.
From equations (1.107) and (1.110) it is clear that if the current density satisfies
in the interior of S, then both
, and thereby,
are identically zero. Consequently, the field outside S is identically zero per this theorem. Currents such as these are referred to as non-radiating currents.
Note that the theorem says nothing about the radial and other components of fields inside S.
Corollary determination by radial components [19].
Any electromagnetic field satisfying a source-free Maxwell's equation exterior to a sphere S is completely determined by its radial components E r and H r . In particular, the field
due to currents contained inside S is fully characterized by the radial parts
. Equality of the radial parts for two fields exterior to S implies the equality of other components.
Example of total field from radial fields, Debye potentials.
Construct two independent radial potentials and
, with
being scalar radiation functions, such that the electromagnetic field in the source-free region exterior to a sphere, S, enclosing all sources and defined by the expressions
recovers the radial field and
specified in equations (1.111) and (1.112).
We shall construct the solution using linear superposition by treating and
separately. We assume a spherical harmonic representation and let
where the coefficients A mn are to be determined from the equality of the radial parts. Substituting equation (1.133) into equations (1.131) and (1.132) and carrying out the curl operations in spherical coordinates using the identity (1.83) and noting , we obtain
By comparing equation (1.134) with equation (1.111), we conclude that . Because the field generated by
lacks H r , it is appropriate to label this field as being transverse magnetic to r or simply TM r . Note that the n = 0 term does not affect the electromagnetic field as determined by the above equations because
is a constant. By theorem 1.3.1, except for the addition of terms proportional to
, the potential (1.133) is uniquely determined by the radial part
. With the choice
, it generates the complete field (1.134)–(1.139) consistent with the specification of this
In a like manner letting
where the coefficients B mn are to be determined, we obtain upon substituting into equations (1.131) and (1.132)
By comparing equation (1.141) to equation (1.112), we conclude that . Because the field generated by
lacks E r , it is appropriate to label this field as being transverse electric to r or simply TE r . As before, per theorem 1.3.1, except for the addition of terms proportional to
, the potential (1.140) is uniquely determined by the radial part
. With the choice
, it generates the complete field (1.141)–(1.146) consistent with the specification of this
. The potentials
are referred to in the literature as Debye potentials [22] and are given explicitly by
As expected, and
are dual quantities (see section 6.1.1). ■■
Example strengths via spectral current components.
Using equation (1.74) express the multipole strengths and
of the Debye potentials in terms of the vector Fourier transform of the current distribution:
where is the variable conjugate to
, i.e. is the transformed variable.
Denoting the interior spherical harmonic as , defining the gradient operator in the wavenumber domain with respect to a 'position' vector
with three independent spectral coordinates
, and a related transverse operator as
, and employing the vector identity
and the result (1.74) in the defining equation (1.109), the multipole strength
can be obtained as
where the Fourier transformed current is decomposed into a transverse part and a longitudinal part as ,
being the transverse part of
. The following simplification was used in arriving at the final step
Equation (1.150) expresses the multipole strength of a TE r mode in terms of (i) the transverse part of the Fourier transform of the current distribution evaluated at
, with
, and (ii) the vector
obtained by operating the orbital angular momentum operator
on the surface harmonic
in the
-space. Its main advantage over the alternative spatial form in equation (1.109) arises from the fact that the far-zone radiated fields of an antenna and the transverse component of
in the visible part of the spectrum (namely
) are proportional to each other. Note that the substitution
may be used in
before implementing the term
in the wavenumber domain.
In an identical manner, defining , the multipole strength
can be obtained as
But the Fourier transform of is
since the localized current density vanishes on the bounding surface S. The conversion of the volume integral to a surface integral above follows from the curl theorem (B.5). Inserting this result into equation (1.152) gives
for the multipole strength of a TM r mode. Expressions for the multipole strengths in terms of the Fourier transform of the current have been given in [20], whose detailed derivation is completed in this example. Thus it is seen that the multipole strengths of both TM r and TE r modes depend solely on the transverse part of the current distribution evaluated on the circle . The latter is completely determined by the transverse components of the electric field in the far-zone (see equation (1.50)). Thus the transverse components of the far-zone electric field completely determine the electromagnetic field radiated in a homogeneous medium outside the sphere enclosing all electric sources. Furthermore, it is also clear from equations (1.150), (1.154), (1.131), (1.132), (1.133), and (1.140) that if the current is such that
, then the electromagnetic field outside the spherical surface enclosing the electric currents is identically zero. This is an alternative definition of a non-radiating current. ■■
1.3.2. Additional theorems related to spherical harmonics
A theorem related to the Wilcox theorem 1.2.4 is the expansion theorem of an arbitrary function in spherical surface harmonics.
Theorem 1.3.2.Spherical surface harmonics expansion theorem [23, p 513].
Let be an arbitrary function on the surface of a unit sphere, which together with all its first and second derivatives is continuous. Then
may be expanded in an absolutely and uniformly convergent series of surface spherical harmonics
whose coefficients are determined from
An equivalent representation using the normalized surface harmonic of equation (1.103) is
A direct consequence of the above theorem are the two following corollaries.
Corollary of surface spherical harmonics [24, p 62].
Let be an arbitrary function on the surface of a unit sphere, which together with all its first and second derivatives is continuous. If
, or equivalently,
are all zero, then
is identically zero.
Corollary of surface spherical harmonics [24, p 62].
Let be an arbitrary function on the surface of a unit sphere Ω, which together with all its first and second derivatives is continuous. Then
Theorem 1.3.3.Spherical harmonics representation interior to a sphere [24, p 83].
If the twice continuously differentiable function ,
, satisfies the scalar Helmholtz equation
, then for
, this function can be represented in a uniformly convergent series of the form
and is the spherical Bessel function of argument z and order n.
Theorem 1.3.4.Spherical harmonics representation exterior to a sphere [24, p 84].
If the twice continuously differentiable function ,
, satisfies the scalar Helmholtz equation
, and the Sommerfeld's radiation condition
i.e. is a scalar radiation function, then for , this function can be represented in a uniformly convergent series of the form
and is the spherical Hankel function of the second kind of argument z and order n.